The AWOL Program provides students with real-world learning opportunities on Wednesday afternoons.
Grade 9 and 10
Students leave the school to take part in authentic activities in their community. In Grades 9 and 10, AWOL placements are arranged by teachers and include activities such as community service work;visits to museums, galleries, or historic sites; field work; or visits to post-secondary institutions. AWOL placements are related to students’ work in specific courses. They extend student learning by exposing them to real-world, complex problems and their solutions, while also helping them to develop transferable skills.
Grade 11
AWOL time is broken up into 3 sections and provides them with the experience of planning and executing an international
community service trip as well as financial literacy through fundraising and individual employment. The third component of the AWOL program will enable our students to do a placement at a local business of their choosing or a community service project that has personal meaning to them.
Grade 12
Praxis Project
An interdisciplinary project that requires students to explore academically an issue of their choosing as it relates to an overarching philosophical question. It calls on students to
connect various disciplines and guides them to an
understanding of the subject matter beyond the recall of facts and completion of single-subject projects. Additionally, it will require students to collaborate on a final project presentation and defence, as students will relate their papers to the philosophical question provided.
Winterim Trip
Our students will participate in the international community service trip that they have planned during some of their grade 11 AWOL time.
Personal Financial Literacy
Students will be provided with the knowledge and skills to make effective and informed money management decisions.
Topics covered will include: Budgeting – Interest – Credit –
Saving – Simple investing.
Leave Your Mark
Our senior students will be asked to leave their mark in some positive way of their choosing. The possibilities are open ended and the mark should be personalized in some way.